Newly available Pherobank product, pheromone lure for Dasineura mali
Dasineura mali
English: Apple leaf midge
French: Cécidomyie des feuilles du pommier
Dutch: Appelbladgalmug
Dasineura mali, commonly known as the apple leaf midge, is a small fly that poses a significant threat to apple orchards. This pest is particularly notorious for the damage caused by its larvae. The adult midge lays eggs on the young leaves of apple trees, and once hatched, the larvae begin feeding on the leaf tissue.
As they feed, the larvae induce the formation of galls, which are abnormal growths on the leaves. These galls cause the leaves to curl and distort, impairing the tree’s ability to perform photosynthesis effectively. This can lead to reduced vigor in the tree and ultimately diminish the quality and yield of the fruit. The damage is especially detrimental to young apple trees, which can suffer more severely from infestations.
Management of Dasineura mali is crucial in maintaining healthy apple orchards and ensuring high-quality fruit production. Identifying and monitoring the presence of this pest, along with employing appropriate control measures, are key strategies in mitigating its impact
David Hall's team at the Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, UK, has identified the female pheromone of Dasineura mali as (8Z)-13S-acetoxy-8-heptadecen-2-one (CAS # [872352-71-1] (Figure 1).
Traps baited with (8Z)-13S-acetoxy-8-heptadecen-2-one were demonstrated to attract large numbers of midges. Delta traps and funnel traps are both suitable to trap this insect.
This pheromone, formulated in ready-to-use lures, is now available from Pherobank.
For more information please see:
- Suckling, D.W. et al. 2007. Trapping Dasineura mali (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Apples. J. Econ. Entomol. 100(3), 745-751
- Cross, J.V., and Hall, D.R. 2009. Exploitation of the sex pheromone of apple leaf midge Dasineura mali Kieffer (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) for pest monitoring: Part 1. Development of lure and trap. Crop Prot. 28, 139-144
- Dasineura mali pheromone lure, Pherobank article #: 50478
- only available as pheromone lures